szaleniec1000 Jul 10, 2012 00:25
my preciousss, moustache twirling, wrong word dammit, a description would be nice, not simultaneous, ron is ooc, completely nonsexual, ron is evil, draco trilogy wants him back, pov!fail, harry is an idiot, sexism, literally painful to read, lavender the death eater, mc neville in da house, badfic:hermione's talent, mione my arse, sanity slippage, hermione in name only, incantations do not work that way, disembodied dialogue, harry potter, screw karma, singularity of fail
szaleniec1000 Apr 14, 2012 03:51
show don't tell, the mirror of ytidun, waterloo road did it better, staring into the abyss, a description would be nice, conflict be damned, department of redundancy department, pov!fail, sexism, mary sue and gary stu, have i mentioned i hate this fic, sanity slippage, hermione in name only, artistic integrity, epithet overload, harry potter, dialogue is not narration, badfic:hogwarts too exposed, continuity isn't optional, singularity of fail, breast fixation, aoc does not work that way
szaleniec1000 Aug 08, 2011 23:09
hogwarts roboticised, badfic:hogwarts exposed, have i mentioned i hate this fic, sanity slippage, onion slicing convention, hermione in name only, nudity for everyone, harry potter, department of redundancy department, not simultaneous, harry the pervert, snape is ooc, singularity of fail, pov!fail
szaleniec1000 Jun 20, 2011 03:10
epic fail, badfic:hogwarts exposed, google is your friend, what do you mean it's not awesome, department of redundancy department, not simultaneous, anvil of foreshadowing, little miss impertinence, insulin needed, mary sue and gary stu, reasoning with vampires, have i mentioned i hate this fic, sanity slippage, hermione in name only, nudity for everyone, o fortuna moment, i wincingly disagree, harry potter, said bookism, continuity isn't optional, singularity of fail
szaleniec1000 Jun 08, 2011 20:57
epic fail, show don't tell, badfic:hogwarts exposed, the mirror of ytidun, separated by a common language, knickers, the pansexual '50s, wrong word dammit, paedofinder general, department of redundancy department, expospeak, reading the books is a good idea, pov!fail, welsh railway, sexism, americanisms in the potterverse, have i mentioned i hate this fic, you fail feminism forever, sanity slippage, mione my arse, hermione in name only, scraping the comedy barrel, harry potter, convention of the psychics, said bookism, viagra, harry the pervert, continuity isn't optional, i blame the parents
szaleniec1000 May 30, 2011 20:47
neville doesn't deserve this, badfic:hogwarts exposed, what do you mean it's not awesome, staring into the abyss, the pansexual '50s, department of redundancy department, i can has characterisation, anvil of foreshadowing, pov!fail, hogwarts school of oratory, thinking at the speed of plot, mary sue and gary stu, sanity slippage, nudity for everyone, epithet overload, harry potter, convention of the psychics, said bookism, literally stupid, singularity of fail, neville is ooc
szaleniec1000 Jan 10, 2011 14:34
epic fail, what do you mean it's not awesome, retrospective, ivory seed, a description would be nice, bad sex, too much information, badfic:deserving, little snakes, literally painful to read, fucking self-awareness how does it work, literal butthurt, americanisms in the potterverse, the lowercase wizarding world, goatse, sanity slippage, how is babby formed, celebrian wants her buttplug back, o fortuna moment, madam malkin's mugglewear, harry potter, brain bleach, viagra, eau de badfic, dada, singularity of fail